Holger Schulze
Sound Studies:
A transdisciplinary introduction
Every thursday
More than a decade ago the formation of an international and transdisciplinary field of research began, starting in a scholarly context with Bijsterveld/Pinch’s famous article Sound Studies in 2004. Since then this field has at the same time expanded and focused on phenomena, on experiential and affective aspects, on historical dispositives and contemporary effects of sounds and listening.
Sound Studies do integrate aspects and approaches from cultural studies and media theory, from communication research and musicology, from archeaological, ethnographical and – not the least – artistic and design research. This seminar grants a broad insight into sound studies by way of major studies and articles, anthologies and handbooks from the various directions in this field. And, as part of the genuine methodology of sound studies, we will listen to and analyse selected examples and recordings which are crucial to sound studies.
Introductory texts
Pinch, Trevor and Bijsterveld, Karin, 2004, Sound Studies: new Technologies and Music, in “Social Studies of Science”, 34\5, pp. 635-648
Sterne, Jonathan, 2008, The Theology of Sound: A Critique of Orality, in “Canadian Journal of Communication” Vol 36 (2011) 207-225
Schulze, Holger, 2012, Sound Studies. Eine Einführung, in: Stefan Moebius (Hg.), Kultur. Von den Cultural Studies zu den Visual Studies. Eine Einführung, transcript Verlag Bielefeld 2012, 242-257.
KUA2 16.4.11