The Generativity of the Flesh

2012-09-18 | Lecture | Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Holger Schulze
The Generativity of the Flesh

Or: How to think sonically?


Noise – Geräusch – Bruit
(concept: Sigrid Nieberle & Sylvia Mieszkowski)


As the formation of a research field such as sound studies progresses; as the first seminal handbooks and research projects are being conceptualized and published; and as the institutionalization of research in the arts and in the humanities on the auditory and the sonic takes to the next stages – this presentation shall be a reminder not to abandon an epistemological and methodological question that motivated sound studies in its beginning:

Is there such a thing as a specific sonic thinking? Are there specific auditory ways of researching and displaying the results of research that transcend the hitherto known and rather logocentric practices of institutionalized, industrialized and commodified research?

And, beyond institutionalizig cultural research on sound: In what ways is it necessary to transform the academic dispositives of research and publication to provide and adaequate environment for a deeper and more subtle inquiry into the sonic?


Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

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