The Sound Studies Lab at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Finally, this is the website of the Sound Studies Lab at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin – a project funded by the German Research Foundation DFG. You find basic research informations on all our current projects in the field of sound studies & all the upcoming lectures, courses & workshops of the Sound Studies Lab as well as information on what’s going on in sound studies. Informations on all our researchers & international research collaborators you find also on this website (and if you encounter any bugs, typos or major epistemological blunders on this site: please do contact us!)

A great big thank you to the team that designed, installed & fine tuned this website: Timm Knoerr, Oliver Kunzmann, Philippe Said & Anselm Nehls. You rock!

Semesterschwerpunkt Auditive Kultur & Sound Studies

One great news: this summer term 2012 the Institut für Kulturwissenschaft – where the lab is based – offers a special focus on sound, a Semesterschwerpunkt Auditive Kultur & Sound Studies; in a number of courses, workshops, colloquia & lectures young and experienced researchers teach researching, analyzing & speaking about sound. If you are a student at the Humboldt-Universität you find more and detailed information on all courses in the moodle of the institute.

Some of the titles of the courses, workshops & lecture series:

  • KlangDenken. Beiträge zur Erforschung auditiver Kultur (Schwesinger, Erlmann, Schulze
  • Das Radio-Seminar (Kassung & Schwesinger; no. 53294)
  • Podculture: Campus Radio (Schwesinger; no. 53331)
  • Die Stimmen der Anderen: Tonaufnahmen aus dem kolonialen Archiv (Lange & Hoffmann; no. 53339)
  • Schizophonie in Klang und Raum (Schreiner; no. 53305)
  • Sound Studies I. Methoden und Gegenstände einer disziplinübergreifenden Forschungsrichtung (Schulze; no. 53357)
  • Workshop Sound Studies: Forschungsmethoden & Forschungsfragen. Eine Übung (Schulze & Schneider)
  • Colloquium Sound & Sensory Studies. Forschungsprojekte in den Wissenschaften und den Künsten (Schulze; no. 53356)