A new issue – volume no.4 – of the international Journal of Sonic Studies (Leiden/Nijmwegen, The Netherlands) has just been released; edited by Marcel Cobussen, Holger Schulze and Vincent Meelberg this volume …Continue reading
On the Discourse Community of Electronic Music III.
To continue the previous posts, I want to elaborate the fourth statement in my list, namely: 4. The discourse community of electronic music has more genres in the communicative furtherance, e.g. Internet …Continue reading
10 rules for students
In the last weeks the winter term 2012/2013 started here in Berlin; and so I thought what good advice could I give students who wanted to study in the field of sound …Continue reading
Workshop Dynamic & Sound
This Summer the Sound Studies Lab will be part of the KOSMOS Summer University of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Sixteen renowned experts and 30 participants (doctoral candidates and postdocs) from Latin America …Continue reading
A new interdisciplinary laboratory at Humboldt-Universität
Last friday, by decision of a wide range of international and German researchers, the German Research Foundation DFG has decided to fund – besides many other projects all over Germany – also …Continue reading
Workshop on Soundscape, Soundwalk & Audiowalk
This summer the Sound Studies Lab offers a workshop for students of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and selected students from other Berlin universities: under the title Displace we will explore together the …Continue reading
The Sound Studies Lab at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Finally, this is the website of the Sound Studies Lab at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin – a project funded by the German Research Foundation DFG. You find basic research informations on all …Continue reading
Happy New Year! – Happy New Lab!
Yesterday we began installing the lab in the new building of the Institut für Kulturwissenschaft at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: a newly built edifice right on the opposite side of the Pergamon …Continue reading