Regina Rabolt forscht als Doktorandin am Department für Neuere deutsche Literatur- und Medienwissenschaft des KIT Karlsruhe über „Die Funktion der Musik im Kriminal- und Pop-Hörspiel des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks seit 2000 – eine …Continue reading
Future Listening
What futures can be articulated through sound? For the Brazilian journal Revista Música, two great colleagues in the field of sound studies, Rui Chaves and Pedro Oliveira, have conceived a Call for …Continue reading
The Generativity of Mememagic
This spring semester 2023, I am on research leave. As a Senior Fellow at CINEPOETICS – Center for Advanced Film Studies at Freie Universität Berlin, I mainly work on book publications as well as participate …Continue reading
Hearing Impairment as Audio Filter
Whenever I attend the live set, even though I am surrounded by my closest friends, I’m dealing with a sense of isolation. Shouldn’t music be what empowers the sense of social identity? …Continue reading
What Sounds Do
NOTE: Registration is now open. Click right here! Sounds are ever present: They continue to envelop and move through you and me in every single moment. But what agencies drive those sounds, …Continue reading
Postcolonial Repercussions
These days the sixth volume in the Sound Studies Series (since 2008) is being published by Transcript Publishing: Postcolonial Repercussions: On Sound Ontologies and Decolonised Listening Edited by Andi Schon and Johannes …Continue reading
Sound Art in the 21st Century
What is sound art in the 21st century? Who are today’s performers, and what do they do to find and create sounds that make us listen, think, discuss, doubt, or imagine? What …Continue reading
120 Years of Sound Art
What is sound art in the 21st century? Who are today’s performers, and what do they do to find and create sounds that make us listen, think, discuss, doubt, or imagine? What …Continue reading
Sound Studies Lab Lectures 2022
“What do we want? Climate justice. When do we want it? Now!” Battle cries of climate change activists like that can be understood as evidence for the proposition that especially in recent …Continue reading
Sonic fictions are everywhere: in conversations about vernacular culture, in music videos, sound art compositions, and on record sleeves; in everyday encounters with sonic experiences and in every single piece of writing …Continue reading