Active Member
1st September 2011 - 31st August 2018
Research Focus
- Sound practices in popular music
- Everyday and functional sounds
- Transcultural and urban club culture
- Contemporary Black-/Asian-British literature
Curriculum Vitae
Carla J. Maier (b. Müller-Schulzke *1976) studied English Literature & Cultural Studies and Cultural Anthropology at the Goethe University Frankfurt/Main where she also received a PhD for her thesis on »Transcultural Sound Practices: Urban Dance Music in the UK«. She currently works as a researcher in the DFG-funded project Sound Studies Lab: Functional Sounds and the base project Analog Storage Media at the Cluster of Excellence Image Knowledge Gestaltung at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. She is a member of the international DFG-research network Sound in Media Culture (2010-2014) and the research network Beyond Text: Creativity Beyond Borders (Goldsmiths College, University of London, 2008-2012).
Selected Publications
- Stimmklang denken, Klangwissen Hören: Ulrike Sowodniok's Stimmklang und Freiheit [Rezension], in: vox humana 9.3 (2014): 45-46.
- Afrofuturismus: Modewort oder neues Phänomen?, in: Hard Times 94 (2013): 56-59.
- Driftende Klangzeichen, in: Holger Schulze (Hg.), Situation und Klang. Zeitschrift für Semiotik 34.1-2 (2012): 109-123.
- Eindringliches Hören: Sound-Praktiken urbaner transkultureller Clubmusik, in: Brentel, Helmut & Siegel, Tilla (2010, eds.), Nachwuchsforschung in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften. Frankfurt Graduate School for the Humanities and Social Sciences Frankfurt am Main, p. 37-42.