Active Member
1st February 2012 - 31st December 2012
Research Focus
- Electronic Music Terminology
- Netlinguistics
- Electronic Music Discourse Community
Curriculum Vitae
Anita Jóri (1985) is a research assistant at the University of Pécs, Faculty of Humanities/Hungary, where she is a PhD-student in applied linguistics. She writes her dissertation about electronic music from linguistic aspect. Currently she is a guest researcher at the Sound Studies Lab, at the Humboldt-Universiät zu Berlin, and a project coordinator at the Vilém Flusser Archive at the Universität der Künste Berlin.
Selected Publications
- Electronic Music from a Linguist‘s Aspect, in: PLUG – European Electronic Music Conference Berlin February 23, 2012
- Az elektronikus zene szaknyelve és az internet. In: Kiss, Z., Ladányi, M., Petykó, M. (eds.): A pszicholingvisztikától a beszédtechnológiáig. Tanulmányok az alkalmazott nyelvészet hagyományos és új témaköreiből. Budapest, Tinta, 2011. 59-66
- »I miss the separated high-pass filter from the controller filter device.« - About the Electronic Music Terminology in a Nutshell“, in: Applied Linguistics Conference, ELTE and Kodolányi János Collage Budapest, October 18, 2010