What is sound art in the 21st century? Who are today’s performers, and what do they do to find and create sounds that make us listen, think, discuss, doubt, or imagine?
What sounds have been made and presented recently to attract an audience of listeners, artists, fans, researchers and aficionados?
On Wednesday, 23rd of March 2022 we wish to celebrate in Copenhagen’s Statens Værksteder for Kunst two recent publications:
Lars Lundehave Hansen’s “20 Years of Sound Art” (2021) and Sanne Krogh Groth and Holger Schulze’s “The Bloomsbury Handbook of Sound Art” (2020).
The box set and the handbook presented examine a range of performances, installations and practices, including sound, listening and sensing. Together with you, we want to explore the different aspects of both of these works.
We invite you to an exciting afternoon that delves into various aspects of sound art through talks with authors and researchers who contributed to both publications, as well as an artist talk and sound performance from Lars Lundehave Hansen.
Where: ‘Formeriet’, Statens Værksteder for Kunst, Strandgade 27 b, 1401 København
When: Wednesday March 23rd, 2022, kl. 17.00-19.00
Let us listen to the handbook together,
let’s read the record album in company!