Symposion Sound as Popular Culture

Earlier this year the final publication of the international network Sound in Media Culture was published by MIT-Press. In 39 articles by 29 scholars the broad field of sound studies is being discussed regarding its conceptual issues as well as its terminologies and its research methods. The articles analyze historical and contemporary case studies of listening in various sound cultures – and they consider the ways contemporary practices of sound generation are applied in the diverse fields in which sounds are produced, mastered, distorted, processed, or enhanced: Sound as Popular Culture.

Poster Sound_as_popular_culture

On October 6, 2016 the editors and authors of this volume gather in Copenhagen to celebrate the launch of this volume at the University of Copenhagen with a one day symposion. The program includes a colloquium with young researchers, public lectures and panel discussions. Confirmed contributors (more to be confirmed over the summer) are Susanne Binas-Preisendörfer (Oldenburg, DE), Carolyn Birdsall (Amsterdam, NED), Jochen Bonz (Innsbruck, AT), Marta Garcia Quiñones (Barcelona, ESP), Franco Fabbri (Turino, IT), Anahid Kassabian (Liverpool, UK), Morten Michelsen (Copenhagen, DK), Bodo Mrozek (Berlin, DE), Jens Gerrit Papenburg (Berlin, DE), Holger Schulze (Copenhagen, DK), Toby Seay (Philadelphia, US).

You too can participate in this symposion by taking part in e.g. the morning colloquium and all the other sections during the day. Just check the program and drop us a mail you find at the end of the: program.

»Sound is not incidental to popular culture:
it is fundamental to it.«