The latest issue of the international online- & peer reviewed journal SoundEffects – An Interdisciplinary Journal of Sound and Sound Experience (based in København) is online now. It presents a fine selection of presentations and lectures given at the SoundActs-Conference 2010 in Aarhus/Denmark – organized by Morten Michelsen, research collaborator of this lab and with a contribution by Anette Vandsø, guest researcher 2013 of the Sound Studies Lab (and also with an article by the author of these lines):
Music and the emergence of experimental science in early modern Europe
Penelope GoukRecycling sound in Commercials
Charlotte Rørdam LarsenStreet Cries and the urban ritornelle
Jacob KreutzfeldtMichael Jackson’s Sound Stages
Morten MichelsenEnunciation in Alvin Lucier’s I’m Sitting in a Room
Anette VandsøRadiolab – three different approaches
Ola Stockfelt, Ansa Lønstrup, Torben SangildThe Body of Sound: Sounding out the History of Science
Holger Schulze