This year at the Ars Electronica Linz the MA-programme Sound Studies at the Universität der Künste Berlin presents its concept and artworks by selected students since its beginning in 2006 (most of them being also part of the exhibition Hausklang at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt 2009). The artistic programme of this fine exhibition is curated by the Sound Studies Lab’s collaborator Sam Auinger together with our colleague Georg Spehr, editorial staff at the Sound Studies-book series.
The MA-programme was co-developed since the year 2000 by a group of experts such as Karl Bartos, Sabine Breitsameter, Carl-Frank Westermann and Holger Schulze who also was the first head of department of the programme 2006-2009. In this first period – Holger Schulze being then visiting professor for Anthropology and Ecology of Sound at the programme – the staff and the students of the programme were intensely doing basic research in the field of sound studies between the categories of theory, artistic and design practice. The research network Sound in Media Culture as well as this Sound Studies Lab are institutional results of this research (besides the Sound Studies-book series and a vast amount of other publications, lectures and presentations of course). In the second phase, Martin Supper being the new head of department since 2009, the focus was significantly shifted to the tradition of sound art, to the history of aesthetic theory and to the arthistory of electro-acoustic music and compositional theory. This is confirmed by the sound artist and composer Hans-Peter Kuhn now being affirmed successor of Sam Auinger as visiting professor for experimental sound art.
More information on the rich programme and the theoretical and artistical approaches presented in Linz can be found here. Enjoy all the new sonic experiences taking place in Linz!