NEW at MIT-Press: Sound as Popular Culture

»Sound is not incidental to popular culture:
it is fundamental to it.«

From an infant’s gurgles over a baby monitor to the roar of the crowd in a stadium to the sub-bass frequencies produced by sound systems in the disco era: Sound — not necessarily aestheticized as music — is inextricably part of popular culture.

In 39 chapters by 29 scholars from the field of sound studies cultural practices concerning sound are analyzed as material, physical, perceptual, and sensory processes. The 39 chapters discuss conceptual issues as well as terminologies and research methods; analyze historical and contemporary case studies of listening in various sound cultures; and consider the ways contemporary practices of sound generation are applied in the diverse fields in which sounds are produced, mastered, distorted, processed, or enhanced.


The 29 contributors to this volume are: Karin Bijsterveld, Susanne Binas-Preisendörfer, Carolyn Birdsall, Jochen Bonz, Michael Bull, Thomas Burkhalter, Mark J. Butler, Diedrich Diederichsen, Veit Erlmann, Franco Fabbri, Golo Föllmer, Marta García Quiñones, Mark Grimshaw, Rolf Großmann, Maria Hanáček, Thomas Hecken, Anahid Kassabian, Carla J. Maier, Andrea Mihm, Bodo Mrozek, Carlo Nardi, Jens Gerrit Papenburg, Thomas Schopp, Holger Schulze, Toby Seay, Jacob Smith, Paul Théberge, Peter Wicke, Simon Zagorski-Thomas

This book is the product of the international research network Sound in Media Culture, funded since 2010 by the DFG: the Germnan National Research Fund.

NOTE: The book’s webpage at MIT-Press provides you with the Table of Contents and our Introduction:

Sound as Popular Culture

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