All three Sonic Talks In a Forest of Letters, performed on the evenings of July 13th, 14th and 15th, 2020, at CLB Berlin by Holger Schulze together with artists, researchers, writers and …Continue reading
An Almanac of Sound Words
How do you speak about sound? This core question of sound studies and of artistic approaches around sound is probably troubling listeners and sound aficionados since the beginning of hearing – and …Continue reading
Was ist die Befindlichkeit des Landes?
I listen to what is sounding around me right now. It is Friday late afternoon, here in Eastern Berlin. The night just falls, around 5:40pm and I can just hear the sound …Continue reading
Vortrag: Klangwelten der Kaluli
1982 erschien eine epochemachende Studie des Jazzmusikers und Ethnologen Steven Feld mit dem Titel: Sound and Sentiment: Birds, Weeping, Poetics and Song in Kaluli Expression. Basierend auf seinen Feldstudien 1976/77 bei den …Continue reading
Second Radio feature: Sound & The Senses
Just after midnight tonight the second radio feature on sound will premiere on Deutschlandradio Kultur Berlin: Sound & The Senses. Included is a breathtaking performance by AGF a.k.a Antye Greie and a …Continue reading