Research Focus
- The political possibilities of sound: examining the governance of how we live together from the invisible dynamic of sound
- Collective, communal and participatory sound making and listening: exploring the social through sonic practices
- Sound/Science: listening as a cross disciplinary strategy
- Uncurating Sound: rethinking the visual habitus of Museum/collecting cultures and economies
- Sound Gender, Race, aural diversity: hearing differently, making other sounds
Curriculum Vitae
Salomé Voegelin (*1972) is an artist, writer and researcher engaged in listening as a socio-political practice of sound. Her work and writing deal with sound, the world sound makes: the aesthetic, social and political realities that are hidden by the persuasiveness of a visual point of view. She writes essays, books and text-scores for performance and publication. Her latest book »The Political Possibility of Sound« (2018) articulates a politics that includes creativity and invention and imagines transformation and collaboration as the basis of our living together. She is a founding member of CRiSAP, the centre for Creative Research into Sound Arts Practice, and is the PI of the UK research council funded project »Listening across Disciplines II«
Selected Publications
- Sonic Possible Worlds: Hearing the Continuum of Sound, Revised Edition, Bloomsbury, New York, forthcoming 2021
- The Political Possibility of Sound: Fragments of Listening, Bloomsbury, New York, 2018.
- Colloquium: Sound Art – Music, Winchester, Gardner, Thomas and Salomé Voegelin (eds), UK: ZeroBooks, John Hunt Publishing 2016
- Sonic Possible Worlds: Hearing the Continuum of Sound, Bloomsbury, New York, 2014.
- Listening to Noise and Silence: Towards a Philosophy of Sound Arts, Bloomsbury, New York, 2010.