Research Focus
- Sound and disabilities
- Multi-sensory approach to sound
- Art & Health
Curriculum Vitae
Kornelia Błoch is an ERASMUS-trainee at the Institute for Arts & Cultural Studies in the University of Copenhagen. She works as research support at the Sound Studies Lab. Kornelia is a BA student in Communication Design at School of Form, the Faculty of Design of SWPS University in Warsaw. As a person with limited access to sound she is fascinated with one she can’t reach. She is now working on a BA thesis exploring differences in aesthetics of sound of electronic music through the prism of hearing impairment. Kornelia is also a member of the team of Eufonia, an organization engaged in interdisciplinary projects at the intersection of sound, art and science. Their last project, Sub_Bar associates artists both hearing and deaf into creating music based on subfruequencies.
Selected Publications